Originally, Theresa had an on and off career in administrative assistant and office management in the brick and mortar corporate world.
But the last few years, she began to feel super bored and unfulfilled with her work – and she was lowkey jealous of her husband’s permanent work-from-home status!
She already had many skills from her corporate job – she started looking into how those could kick start her online career.
Theresa was able to switch over to Virtual Assistant work efficiently, and quickly moved her way up to a higher-level online executive assistant.
Then, she came across the free DBM Bootcamp Masterclass – and immediately knew that this course was the perfect leverage she needed to reach that next step with her current clients.
Theresa’s Journey Through Digitial Business Manager Bootcamp
When she first started DBM Bootcamp, she was immediately blown away by the quality of everything Deya teaches.
“Everything is so organized and so clean and so thorough. Like, anything I want to know is there. And that is so, so rare.”
And as for tackling the massive amount of course content, Theresa used her organizational skillset to make a full plan of attack.
She created an entire spreadsheet with all of the lessons, homework, and projects to go through and mark when she was complete.

She originally planned for the Bootcamp (with her spreadsheet) to take her about 10 weeks, but it ended up taking her longer because of client work and life obligations.
But, she was determined to finish – and she did!
“Finally, I was feeling behind, but then I had a two-week break over Christmas with no client work, so I thought, “I’m just gonna knock things out – I want this to happen.” So, I powered out my coursework, and I loved doing it that way because I became immersed in it. It was great for me!”
Hey, Theresa- What’s Happening Now?
Now, Theresa is starting to transition with several of her clients from an Executive Assistant to a Digital Business Manager.
Even though it will be a slower transition due to the need to hire some new team members, she feels super optimistic and that she is heading in the right direction.
Theresa’s #1 Benefit of Digital Business Manager Bootcamp
The biggest benefit that has come out of this course?
“The biggest one is definitely confidence. Deya is so vulnerable and open, and her sharing her personal journey really just confirms that this is something that is real and that this can happen.”
Theresa has filled a lot of shoes in her life – from working in the corporate world to changes careers and starting her own Virtual Assistant business.
Listening to Deya’s own stories about her similar experiences of moving up and using her resources, gave Theresa the confidence to know that she could do it too.
How did Theresa make the transition from Executive Assistant to Digital Business Manager?
She communicated with her clients from the get-go.
“I used the copy of the course content and sent it to my current clients and said, “Look at all these things I’m learning! Look at how amazing this is. I can do this type of thing for you – can we move in that direction?”
And how could her clients say no?
One of Theresa’s most significant selling points for her Digital Business Manager work was that she was willing to transition slowly.
She is offering to grow with the business and the client instead of a ‘take it or leave it’ approach.
Theresa’s 3 Tips for Aspiring Digital Business Managers
💡 Tip #1: Do the Digital Business Manager Bootcamp
“Well, first of all, my tip is to take the Bootcamp! Anything you want to know about being a DBM is included- and stuff you didn’t even know that you wanted to know- is in there.”
💡 Tip #2: Be Open-Minded
Be open-minded in the sense of allowing yourself to think, “I can do this. If all of these other people can do it, I can do it too.”
“I think our biggest hurdle is getting over our own fear and whether or not we can accomplish something – remember you can do this.”
💡 Tip #3: Do What Works Best For You
The DBM Bootcamp is enormous – so whether that is doing a small part every day, or a big chunk at once, do what works best for you. For Theresa, she needed to do bigger chunks of the Bootcamp – and that is ok.
Don’t get too caught up in your approach if it is working for you.
Would Theresa recommend the Digital Business Manager Bootcamp?
“I absolutely,100% recommend the DBM Bootcamp. It was easily, hands down, the best investment I’ve made in my career so far.”
The DBM Bootcamp truly blew Theresa away with the amount of time, thought, and heart that went into every single piece.
If you have any questions for Theresa or want to know more about her Digital Business Manager work – you can find her on Instagram or contact her here on her website!
If after reading about Theresa’s journey to Digital Business Management, you find yoursellf stuck in a similar postition – dreading that 9-5 and wondering what else there is to do with the skills you already have, then we encourage you to watch our free masterclass to find out if becoming a Digital Business Manager is the right next step for you too.

Want ALL the details on how to work online as a digital business manager?
Check out my FREE intro class which goes over what exactly a DBM does day-to-day, how much I make as a DBM, my 5-step plan to get you started and more!