Salary Raise & Increase Email Template

Asking for a raise? EEEEK!

Don’t sweat, we’ve been there and we know it’s important! That’s why we have created an easy-to-use template that will help you ask for that increase or that salary re-evaluation. Because You’re Worth It


What’s Included?
  •  1x Salary Increase Template (Google Doc Format)
  • 1x Salary Re-Evaluation Template (Google Doc Format)

When do I get access?

Almost immediately! Once you complete your purchase, you will get an email with the log-in information to access the template.


How long do I have access to this?

How about forever? Lifetime access is included. 


Can’t I find this information online for free?

Yes, of course, you can!

You can find everything online nowadays; you can probably find everything you need to know about asking for a salary increase or re-evaluation online if you want to spend hours down the google rabbit hole. 

But I created this template for those of you that want to save time and ask for that salary raise today!

You’re ready to skip the uncertainty, the back-and-forth, the hesitation – and go straight to getting it done.


Is there a money-back guarantee?

We do not offer a refund policy for this product. Since you get immediate access to everything upon purchase, I can’t offer refunds.

Virtual Assistants, Digital Business Managers, Freelancers – Anyone who works in an online role with clients either hourly or on retainer, this template will help you put into words the salary raise you have been waiting for.

  •  1x Salary Increase Template (Google Doc Format)
  • 1x Salary Re-Evaluation Template (Google Doc Format)

We’ve all been there! Asking for a salary raise is not easy and often times more awkward than it needs to be! We’ve got your back, we have created a template that will help you compile an effective email asking for that much-deserved salary increase.