Custom Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator


What’s Included?
  • 1x Hourly Rate Calculator Template (Google Spreadsheet Format)
  • 1x Hourly Rate Calculator Template (Notion Template)
  • Video walkthrough on how to use each template to calculate your minimum hourly rate as a freelancer

When do I get access?

Almost immediately! Once you complete your purchase, you will get an email with the log-in information to access the template.


How long do I have access to this?

How about forever? Lifetime access is included. 


Can’t I find this information online for free?

Yes, of course, you can!

You can find everything online nowadays; you can probably find everything you need to know about figuring out your hourly rate as a freelancer online if you want to spend hours down the google rabbit hole. 

But I created this template for those of you that want to save time and calculate your hourly rate today!

You’re ready to skip the uncertainty, the back-and-forth, the hesitation – and go straight to getting it done.


Is there a money-back guarantee?

We do not offer a refund policy for this product. Since you get immediate access to everything upon purchase, I can’t offer refunds.

If you’re just getting started, It’s recommended that you calculate an hourly rate so you have a basis for creating package or retainer packages.

You don’t have to tell your clients about your hourly rate if you don’t want to charge hourly, but you should have one secretly in the back of your mind that you can refer to as a foundation for your calculations.

This product takes you, step-by-step guide through figuring out your freelance hourly rates.

It uses an expenses-first approach to ensure that you are covering the cost of your business and your livelihood, first of all, so you’re profitable and your business makes sense.

  • 1x Hourly Rate Calculator Template (Google Spreadsheet Format)
  • 1x Hourly Rate Calculator Template (Notion Template)
  • Video walkthrough on how to use each template to calculate your minimum hourly rate as a freelancer

If you are wondering how much you should charge as a freelancer – especially when you are just getting started, then the Freelance Hourly rates Calculator is for you.