Calling all overworked Virtual Assistants, Executive Assistants & 9-5'ers...

Free 5-Day Live Challenge

3 Highly-Paid Skills You Need to Be Indispensable to ANY Digital Business Owner

. . . so you can finally break through that income ceiling, get off the hamster wheel of nonstop applying & hear “You are the best hire I’ve ever made” from your clients

This 5-day challenge is for the ambitious…

Join the free challenge!

March 23 - March 27

in this free 5-day challenge, you’ll learn:

the #1 skill that will get ANY project done, no matter the size

Big, small, complex, simple – everything in a business is ultimately a project of some kind.

  • Launching an online course? Project.
  • Creating a blog? Project.
  • Setting up a funnel? Project.

That is why knowing how to get the right projects done is arguably the most important skill to move a biz forward.

Leave this 1-hour training with the superpower that gets any project (of any size) done, the right way, for your clients.

the #2 skill that builds an unbeatable rockstar remote team

According to a CareerBuilder Survey:
  • “80% of turnover is due to a bad hire.”
  • “60% of bad hires will negatively affect the performance of other team members.”
  • “39% of businesses report a productivity decrease as a result of a bad hire.”

So… are you ready to solve all your clients’ team & hiring problems?

Leave this 1-hour training with the superpower to help clients build a killer, robust team.

the #3 skill that automates tasks, almost like magic

Ahh… automation. What is this digital magic? 

Ready to hear, “How did you do that? Omg – you’re a lifesaver” from your clients?

Save your clients’ time AND money – this one is a double whammy.

In this skill, let’s dive into one particular tool and do a few examples of what “automation” can really look like.

Leave this 1-hour training with the superpower to automate e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.

It's pretty simple when you boil it down.

After these 5 days, you'll walk away with a clear path to scaling your income to hit those too-good-to-be-true income goals you have AND becoming indispensable to your clients.

Oh! And other than the 3 skills trainings,I might throw in a few other free bonus gifts and a free group coaching call, too.

Questions? I've got answers!

Totally understand. 

The daily live trainings will only take about 1 hour each!

And if you can’t make it live, no problem at all. We will have free replays that you can watch afterwards, too. 🙂

Great question! 

This challenge will take place in a free pop-up group on Facebook. Every day for the 5 days, I’ll go live with a brand new training just for you. 

Some of these trainings – I’ve NEVER done for free before.

If you can’t make the live calls, the replays will stay in the pop-up Facebook group so you can watch them whenever.

Alongside that, we’ll have fun giveaways as well as a live group coaching call where you can ask me anything you’d like and more goodies!

This challenge is for the:

  • Overworked Virtual or Executive Assistant, struggling to make more than $20/hr
  • Overworked 9-5er who is ready to work online but wanting to get going with highly-paid online skills ASAP
  • Overworked Freelancer who wants to be even more valuable to their clients than they are now so they can increase their rates without pushback

If any of these describe you, then join us and walk away from these 5 days with the 3 highly paid & indispensable skills in your back pocket!

about your teacher

Heya, I’m Deya!

I’m a Digital Business Manager and have been working online for over 4 years now alongside 6 and 7 figure digital entrepreneurs.

I’ve worked on projects big and small, ranging from launching multi-6-figure online courses, virtual summits with 20+ high-level guest experts, wholesome membership sites, as well as overseeing outstanding remote teams and creating scalable systems, colorful workflows and SOPs upon SOPs.

Now, I would love to help you do the same.

what people are saying about Deya's free stuff:

plus, what a few of my incredible clients have to say:

“Deya is the most important asset on my team. 

She literally runs most of the business now including hiring and team management, strategy, project management, and high-end content management.

My business wouldn’t be where it is without her and I am so thankful for the perspective, support and care she provides every day!”

Esther Inman
Founder & CEO at Virtual Assistant Internship

“I’m almost hesitant to share this because I know everyone will want to work with Deya but I want her all to myself, haha!

Working with Deya has completely changed how I feel about my business. I used to feel overwhelmed and stressed 90% of the time and now I feel excited and ready to take on new challenges.

I wouldn’t want to run my business without her anymore. You’d be crazy not to want to work with her.”

Jenny Lachs
Founder & CEO at Digital Nomad Girls

“Hiring Deya is the best decision I’ve made for my business in… ever.

Somebody else snapped Deya up full-time before I could make full use of her genius. The few months we spent together really moved some of my biggest projects forward in a way that I couldn’t seem to do without her.

If you have the chance to work with Deya, do it and do it now.

And pay whatever she asks you because she is just that good.”

Lianna Patch
Founder & CEO at Punchline Copy

Ready to hear the same from your future clients?

If you’re eager to take the next step on your journey to becoming truly indispensable, join the challenge to hear all my top tips and tricks! 

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